Literary Analysis Essay of Anton Chekhov’s ‘The Lottery Ticket’
‘The Lottery Ticket’ is one of the famous short stories by Anton Chekhov. The story talks about the situation wherein Ivan Dmitritch and his wife are dreaming about how their lives would change if they win the lottery. It is in here that both characters develop criticism surrounding their current state. In the end, both had to accept the bitter reality that they didn’t win and the idea of how this news changed their views about one another. Through Chekhov’s straightforward storytelling, readers are able to dig deep surrounding the symbolism brought forward by the lottery ticket and raise issues surrounding opportunities and the importance of contentment.
One important theme highlighted by Chekhov in the story corresponds to the nature of how change can influence values and viewpoints of people. Specifically, the story examines the different reactions of the couple knowing that they had the possibility of winning the lottery. Both Ivan Dmitritch and the wife have their own corresponding dreams if they are able to win the money. From the vantage point of the story, it depicts the sad reality on how people can change their perceptions about others with the opportunity of acquiring wealth (Inspired Writing Research 1). Of course, there is the bitter pill that both characters had to swallow when they realize that they did not win. It brings them back to reality and realizes that they still had to live the normal life that they used to.
Another important theme emphasized by the piece corresponds to the idea of contentment. Chekhov at the beginning of the story is clear in highlighting about the financial capabilities of the couple. Arguably, there were no instances wherein Ivan or the wife felt discontented with what they currently have. However, this all changed with upon learning that their lottery ticket might be considered as the winner. Instead of becoming thankful of the opportunity to uplift their lives, each one began to assume that life will be better off if they had more money (Jessa 1). Though this may seem to be true, having his mindset greatly exposes the couple’s dissatisfaction in their current life. That is why when both learned that they did not win it became difficult for each one to accept.
It is also relevant to point out how Chekhov utilizes the symbol of the lottery ticket in order to convey important ideas surrounding the characters. Arguably, this object remains to be an important way to show opportunities given to people. It means that people have numerous means to uplift their lives and included in this process is the dream of becoming better. However, the catch in these opportunities is that there might be situations where these would not work in one’s favor. As for the case of Ivan and his wife, learning that they were so close in winning the lottery was painful because it remained to be essential in helping them improve their lives (Chekhov 1). Instead, they had to settle and go back to the normalcy of life. This remains to be a disheartening reality to accept especially for Ivan.
In the end, Chekhov’s ‘The Lottery Ticket’ remains to be a significant story in emphasizing lessons surrounding opportunities and contentment. By telling his piece in a straightforward manner, readers are able to understand the struggle felt by the couple as they almost won the lottery. Like the two, many have experiences where there were numerous possibilities that could have improved their life. Though these didn’t materialize, there are still valuable lessons to be gained from this encounter and should be used for personal growth and improvement.
Works Cited
Chekhov, Anton. ‘The Lottery Ticket’ Classic Reader. n.d. Web. Accessed 1 September 2014.
InspiredWritingResearch. ‘Essay Analysis of the Lottery Ticket by Anton Chekhov’ Humanities 360. 2 Jun. 2010. Web. Accessed 1 September 2014.
Jessa, Karim. ‘The Lottery Ticket by Anton Chekhov an Analysis’ Humanities 360. 29 Jun. 2011. Web. Accessed 1 September 2014.
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